secure document & data destructionFor Little Acorns and Large Oak Trees

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Woodland Trust

Simply Shredding support the Woodland Trust
Oak Trees Planted by Simply Shredding: 2028

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Simply Shredding

We are here to help you with all of your shredding requirements.

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Shredding Coventry

Should you be looking for a local company to securely destroy your confidential paperwork and you live in the Coventry area, then look no further than Simply Shredding Coventry. Whether this be for home or work files, from one box or bag to many hund... read more

Simply Shredding Expands In The North West

Interest in joining Simply Shredding has led to more branches being opened in the North West giving customers in this area more outlets for local shredding colllections and deliveries. New operations are now available in Liverpool, Warrington, Manch... read more

We Love Mountains Choose Simply Shredding

As Hull based mountain sports store, We Love Mountains, expands online the need to manage secure waste has also increased. With several 'brand' specific virtual online concept stores being highly sucessful at targeting certain focused online shopper... read more

Shredding Bradford

Should you be looking for a local company to securely destroy your confidential paperwork and you live in the Bradford area, then look no further than Simply Shredding Bradford. Whether this be for home or work files, from one box or bag to many hund... read more


Did you realise that 25% of the UK's population still puts bank and credit card statements straight into the bin ? !!!!!!!!!!!! With secure shredding depots around the UK you really do not need to be doing this and in changing your habits will hel... read more

Cheap Shredding

If you are looking to get some shredding done for the first time or have been using a supplier for several years then it will probably be worth your while contacting Simply Shredding for a very competitive quote. Some companies charge per kilo we... read more