secure document & data destructionFor Little Acorns and Large Oak Trees

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Woodland Trust

Simply Shredding support the Woodland Trust
Oak Trees Planted by Simply Shredding: 2028

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Simply Shredding

We are here to help you with all of your shredding requirements.

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Shredding Accreditation



With the increasing pressures both at home and in business's to ensure that all paperwork is disposed of in a safe way, confidentiality must be taken as read when handing over such items to a document shredding company. At Simply Shredding we have procedures in place that will ensure that this confidentiality is not compromised in any way.


All Simply Shredding operations will either have or be working towards the BSEN quality standard 15713 for the Secure destruction of confidential material. This strict code of practice requires a fully documented management system that is evaluated, sampled and surveyed on an annual basis to ensure compliance. These procedures have been put in place to ensure that any confidential paperwork is shredded within a specified time period utilising cross cut shredders.

Meeting The Standard

Shredding standards apply to both staff and equipment alike. We expect our office staff to process the relevant paperwork in a given time frame and to ensure that certificates are raised speedily. The collection and shredding crews are all monitored to ensure the highest standards are met at all times. All our shredders use a cross-cut destruction method that complies with the necessary security standards. The use of CCTV, seals and secure areas all help enhance our reputation as a quality shredding organisation.


As part of our on going commitment to our quality programme we are obliged to issue a Certificate of Destruction and keep a record of this.

Concerned About Identity Theft \Fraud

If you have any concerns as to how your confidential waste will be handled and recycled then please contact your nearest Simply Shredding depot or email and a representative will contact you.