secure document & data destructionFor Little Acorns and Large Oak Trees

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Woodland Trust

Simply Shredding support the Woodland Trust
Oak Trees Planted by Simply Shredding: 2028

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GDPR 20 steps to compliance

GDPR Compliance Plan

Simply Shredding have created a 20 point compliance plan that will help a long way in you becoming GDPR compliant.

This plan is easy to watch in 20 short video clips that have all been saved onto Simply Shredding's YouTube channel  under " How to Implement GDPR Into Your Business "

(please note this is currently being built with three new videos being added on a weekly basis)

Disclaimer : The information provided in this document is for general guidance only and is based on our understanding of current legislation and current guidance from the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO); both of which may change.The nature of this document does not allow, and we take no responsibility for, providing you with information about updates or changes to legislation or ICO guidance.The information given in this tool does not constitute legal advice and you should seek formal advice based on your company's specific circumstances before taking action. Simply Shredding Ltd does not accept any responsibility for liability for any loss which may arise from reliance on the information in this tool.
Copyright : All material appearing in this report is copyright Simply Shredding Ltd and its respective authors, except where noted. Without explicit indication to the contrary, permission is given only to copy material appearing in these pages in order to read them, execute them, or otherwise process them in a way that is directly necessary to fulfil the apparent intent of the company in placing them on the internet. Copies may be printed or held on other systems only for personal reference purposes or for expediting access to them.