secure document & data destructionFor Little Acorns and Large Oak Trees

Your nearest branch is:

Shredding London Central


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Woodland Trust

Simply Shredding support the Woodland Trust
Oak Trees Planted by Simply Shredding: 2028

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Simply Shredding

We are here to help you with all of your shredding requirements.

Send us your details and we will get straight back to you with a quotation.

We Collect Confidential Waste For Shredding

We Collect

Our Home Shred Collection Service

We fully appreciate that for some people it just is not possible to get to one of our shredding offices and also that if you have quite a large amount of home shredding to be carried out you might struggle to get this delivered into us. For this reason we have created Simply Shred Home Collection. You can collect a Shredding Bag from your nearest depot or we can arrange for this to be courieredposted to your home along with a seal to tie the bag once filled. Do not fill over the line on the side of the bag as you will not be able to seal the bag and collection maybe refused.


Generally all collections of confidential papers to be shredded will be made during normal hours on a week day. Bags will be taken to the nearest Simply Shredding hub to your home for shredding. Once you have advised us of how many bags are to be collected we will sort payment and agree a collection date and advise if this will be morning or afternoon. Following this you will be e mailed a certificate of destruction.

Urban Shred

If you live within or close by to a major town or city outside of the M25 we can offer you our Urban Shred collection service. Subject to your location we aim to make all collections within a maximum of 5 working days following payment.

Rural Shred

For more rural and isolated properties in the countryside there is no reason why we cannot organise collections anywhere on mainland UK. All Rural Home Shred collections can usually be made within 7 to 10 working days.

M25 Shred

Whilst we try to provide a simple nationwide pricing structure the travel patterns with the M25 mean that we need to amend our charges slightly to reflect this. We do however, guarantee to deliver an excellent service as we have vehicles operating daily within the M25. Please indicate when booking if you are located within the M25 circle

Plant A Tree Today

If you would like to help support the Woodland Trust to plant a tree or a group of trees for a small donation, then contact and we will be pleased to help you achieve this for very little cost. You can see how many trees we have helped to plant on the front of our Home page.