secure document & data destructionFor Little Acorns and Large Oak Trees

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Wheelie Bins

Keeping Confidential Paperwork Secure

With increasing pressure to ensure that confidential client information is not visible within the workplace many companies are looking to provide confidential waste collection areas within their offices. Simply putting waste paper into a normal bin is just not an option these days for the majority of companies. Lockable wheelie bins are a practical solution and they can also be used for general paper, envelopes and card folders which will help with your environmental policy. They must not be used for food, metals or plastics.

Wheelie Bins

If you can picture a normal wheelie bin that you would use for home waste, this is similar to what we would supply you with to solve any issues as per the above but with two main differences. In the lid of each bin there is a narrow cut out slot where your staff would insert any paperwork. Just underneath the lip of the main lid there is a locking mechanism. Normally we would keep all keys so that none of your staff can access the unit; although it is possible to let you have a copy should you require this.

Regular Collections

It is normal to collect the wheelie bin or bins every four weeks, usually on a pre-arranged date that is convenient to you. We will simply collect the full bin and replace it with a new clean empty bin on site with minimal fuss, noise or interruption. You can have just one bin or several bins on each floor of your office; subject to the number of staff that you employ.

Certificate of Destruction

As part of our on going fulfillment of our quality programme we are obliged to issue a Certificate of Destruction for any confidential shredding every time that we collect the wheelie bins from your office. This will be emailed as a pdf document directly to the relevant person. It will advise the quantity of bins that have been collected and shredded; on what date and who has carried this out.

How To Book

If you think that wheelie bins will be a practical confidential waste recycling solution for you then contact your nearest depot or email if you would like a representative to visit your premises to determine the volume we will be more than happy to arrange this.