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Office Shredding Consoles or Lockable Wheelie Bins ?

Office Shredding Consoles or Lockable Wheelie Bins ?

For people who have small amounts of shredding or one off collections then using shredding bags is the most sensible option in ensuring that your confidential paperwork is removed from site in a secure manner. However, once a more regular service is needed and the volumes increase then companies will need to consider other options.

Traditionally shredding companies have supplied smart office consoles. These fit nicely into the office environment and offer the relevant security needed. They hold the equivalent of two shredding bags.

If your business has more space and the ability to position a wheelie bin then this should certainly be a consideration. Whilst being slightly more unsightly they hold the contents of six standard shredding bags and are therefore much more cost effective.

With both options it is typical to be in contract for a minimum of 12 months and certificates of destruction would be issued monthly. Contact your local branch to get the relevant costings


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