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Be GDPR Compliant

Be GDPR Compliant

As the date for being GDPR compliant looms ever nearer so too does the attention it is receiving from the media, fueled by recent events at Facebook over the safety of personal data. There is a lot of information around telling you what GDPR is and the potential financial impact through fines if you do not comply, but there a lack of detail as to how you actually become GDPR compliant.

Simply Shredding have tried to put together a series of short videos that will be of great assistance for all small to medium sized companies. Arranged in a logical order this step by step guide covers off most of the things that companies need to address. 

In addition to the practical information supplied below Simply Shredding can also assist you with three physical processes that will assist you in introducing GDPR compliance into your company. Namely, secure document destruction, IT destruction and document storage.

Click this link to learn how to start your GDPR compliance journey and take it to conclusion

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