secure document & data destructionFor Little Acorns and Large Oak Trees

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Oak Trees Planted by Simply Shredding: 2028

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Helping You To Become GDPR Compliant

Helping You To Become GDPR Compliant

As the date of the 25th May looms ever nearer, more an more companies are now paying serious attention as to what they have to do to become GDPR compliant. Simply Shredding can assist you in three main areas :

  1. Secure destruction of paperwork
  2. IT Destruction and disposal
  3. Document storage

Secure Destruction of Paperwork

GDPR encourages businesses to only retain the documents that they are legally obliged to hold. Many companies keep old records in boxes or on shelving and forget all about it. By appointing your local Simply Shredding branch to remove, destroy and certify that they have done so with these records it will assist you greatly with compliance.

IT Destruction & Disposal

Check around your building to ensure that you do not have any old pieces of IT equipment hanging around with data contained within them. Loss of such items, even if redundant, can lead to hefty fines. Simply Shredding can remove these pieces, destroy the hard drives and recycle items to WEEE standards.

Document Storage

So despite the move to paperless offices the majority of businesses still keep paper records. You need to determine where these records are kept and how secure they are. For a very small amount of money records can be stored off site at your local Simply Shredding branch and this will buy with it enhanced GDPR approval.

Call your nearest Simply Shredding branch to see how they can help you

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