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Buying A New Shredding Machine


For anyone looking to purchase a new shredding machine Simply Shredding have been introducing Ian Watson and his team for many years. Recently there have been some exciting changes that we have detailed below. 

"In July 2017 Ecosystem Limited (Simply Shredding Gatwick) took over Intimus International Limited. IIL were the UK sales service and distribution branch of Intimus International Group. They are a German based international manufacturer of shredding machines. IIL’s  5 employees were all taken on by Ecosystem who relocated into Intimus’s nearby Crawley office.
I was asked to take over Intimus because before I started up Ecosystem Limited 15 + years ago,  I was an employee of Intimus for 20+ years. I know their organisation and products well. Ecosystem are now exclusive UK and Ireland agents for Evashred Industrial Shredders and Intimus Security We also sell shredders on line through our web site
Evashred’s machines are sold to large shredding companies and the recycling sector for destruction of paper and all  types of solid waste including HDD and WEEE scrap.
Intimus’s range of shredders are primarily sold to the government , financial sector and SME shredding companies. In addition to their shredders Intimus also sell a range of digital media shredders, disintegrators, HDD degaussers, granulators,  paper folders, inserters, letter openers, safes and cash management systems.
The merging of the two companies makes for a stronger more active organisation. Our customers benefit from two engineers,  one in the M4 corridor and one in the Midlands,  an efficient office administration and an MOD and Government Sales Manager who looks after that sector of our business.
Our telephone number has changed to 01293 441900. Our e mail address is still  Ecosystem can now provide sales and service all sizes of shredders from a little bin top machine to an industrial machine capable of shredding 6 tons per hour and used equipment.
My Mobile number remains 07917 125026 my e mail is should any of the Simply Shredding branches wish to contact me I would be only too happy to help.
Kind regards
Ian Watson"
Simply Shredding would like to wish Ian all the best with his latest venture into selling and maintaining quality shredding machines.

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