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Oak Trees Planted by Simply Shredding: 2028

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Simply Shredding

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Shredding Supplies

Confidential Shredding Supplies

If you need to purchase outright any shredding products them Simply Shredding are proud to introduce Simpsons Packaging. A family business with many years of history in stocking and distributing a wide variety of packaging and handling materials.

Simply Shredding's Approved Supplier

With the growth of Simply Shredding came the need to provide a better supply chain to both its member branches and to larger customers who wished to purchase their own shredding products direct. Simpson Packaging, established in 1988,  have a proven track record in nationwide distribution and have now established themselves as the sole stockist for all Simply Shredding products.

Who Can Buy Shredding Products From Simpson Packaging ?

Anyone who wishes to be involved  in shredding  is able to set up an account with Simpsons. You do not need to be a member of Simply Shredding Ltd to access their range of shredding bags, office consoles and wheelie bins.

Contact Simpsons Packaging

If you would like to enquire further about the goods and services being offered contact Oliver Dawes on 01924 869010 or send him an email

You can check out their products online



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