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Simply Shredding

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Shredding In Stafford

HQ Simply Shredding Stafford.jpg

Are you looking for a local confidential shredding company in the Stafford area. If you are then Simply Shredding Stafford will be able to assist you.

Confidential Shredding Services In Stafford

It does not matter if you just have one or two bags of shredding or a complete filing room to empty, either can be accommodated. If your paperwork is already boxed up then there is no need to transfer it into shredding bags; simply ensure that boxes for destruction are clearly marked and if possible separated from files that are to remain on site.

For one off collections shredding bags may be made available along with secure seals. Should however you require a more frequent service then you may wish to use a lockable wheelie bin or secure office console.

Shredding In Stafford And The Surrounding Area

As well as covering Stafford you this branch will also arrange the collection of shredding from the following places:

  • Cannock
  • Newport
  • Uttoxeter
  • Rugeley
  • Stone
  • Penkridge

As well as collecting from business address's a Home Shred service is also offered by Simply Shredding Stafford.

Contact Simply Shredding Stafford

If you would like more information on the shredding services offered by Simply Shredding Stafford then give them a call on the following number 01785 251161 . Alternatively send them an email detailing your requirements 

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