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Shredding For Insurance Companies

Shredding for insurance companies

Despite the move to the paperless office, insurance companies still generate a lot of confidential paperwork. The very nature of this industry means that for many companies paper records are the only sensible way of managing the day to day business. As these records will all need to be securely destroyed when the time comes it makes sense to have a reliable company to hand to organise this. 

Shredding Services For Insurance Companies

There are a variety of secure shredding services available. The service that will suit you best will generally be determined by the size and office set up of your insurance company.

One office purges

If you are clearing out an old storage area then this will inevitably create a serious amount of confidential shredding. Bags can be supplied for loose paperwork but anything in standard archive boxes can be removed as they are.

Small regular collections

If your office isnt large and you only produce a small amount of waste paper, this does not mean that regular collections cannot be arranged. This can be collected in a standard shredding bag or alternatively an office console can be installed. 

Larger regular collections

For more frequent large collections they multiple office consoles will work or you may also wish to consider lockable wheelie bins. Whilst not being as attractive proposition as the consoles they do hold a lot more paperwork and are therefore very cost effective.

Contact Your Nearest Branch

If you are the owner or manager of and insurance company and would like more information on the shredding services available locally to you then contact your nearest branch. Click on this link and insert your postcode.


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