secure document & data destructionFor Little Acorns and Large Oak Trees

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Woodland Trust

Simply Shredding support the Woodland Trust
Oak Trees Planted by Simply Shredding: 2028

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Simply Shredding Plants 100 Oak Trees

100 Oak Trees Planted

As part of being a Simply Shredding Branch comes a commitment to plant two native oak trees every year and we are delighted to announce that we have just planted our first 100 trees with donations made to The Woodland Trust.

The current total of 108 will be increased in the coming months and it is hoped that within not too long this total will have increased over 150 trees. Simply Shredding is delighted to be able to make these donations to The Woodland Trust and look forward to seeing this figure grow and mature !

Recycling Confidential Waste

Caring for the environment is something that all companies have to be aware of. If you use the services of Simply Shredding then you can be assured that all paper is recycled so that it can be reused again. This is more environmentally friendly than companies who elect to incinerate paper as this cuts down the future potential to recycle the paper more times in the future.

Services Offered by Simply Shredding Branches

All branches offer both Home and Business shredding services. They are able to sort one off clear outs of old papers and files or alternatively a regular collection service can be arranged. If you need shredding bags these are stocked at all locations but shredding can also be collected in your own bags or boxes.

Click here to find your nearest confidential shredding branch




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