secure document & data destructionFor Little Acorns and Large Oak Trees

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Woodland Trust

Simply Shredding support the Woodland Trust
Oak Trees Planted by Simply Shredding: 2028

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Simply Shredding

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Simply Shredding Opens In Chichester

Simply Shredding Chichester

The end of October sees the launch of the next Simply Shredding branch, this time in Chichester. Operated under licence by Regis Removals, Simply Shredding Chichester will cover Chichester and the surrounding area including Bognor Regis, Selsey, Pagham, Boxgrove, Bosham, Funtington and Birdham.

In addition to offering a “home shred” service, Simpy Shredding Chichester will focus on developing its client base of “office shredding services” to the many diverse and varied business’s operating in the Chichester area. This will include providing confidential destruction for goods in a companies own boxes or bags or supplying shredding sacks for clients to fill.

Regular collections from secure office consoles or wheelie bins can also be organised through Simply Shredding Chichester

Call for more information on 0800 294 3649 or email

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