secure document & data destructionFor Little Acorns and Large Oak Trees

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Woodland Trust

Simply Shredding support the Woodland Trust
Oak Trees Planted by Simply Shredding: 2028

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Simply Shredding

We are here to help you with all of your shredding requirements.

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Choosing A Local Shredding Company

Choose A Local Shredding Company

The shredding industry was initially dominated by several large companies operating out of the main commercial centers, namely London, Birmingham and Manchester. Simply Shredding have now established a large network of branches throughout the UK and are able to provide local shredding services operated by local staff with local knowledge. The below testimonial  recently supplied to Simply Shredding confirms the benefits of using companies on your doorstep.


"Andy Dickerson and Team
Simply Shredding         September 2013

Following the retirement of one of our directors and  the acquisition of the business by Jelf Insurance Group we had a lot more documents for shredding than usual.  Twenty years accumulated confidential information from one director and our usual day to day confidential waste meant that the consoles for disposal were full to overflowing and more.

Before using ‘Simply Shredding’ we used an out of town company, who called on a monthly basis.  Using a local company helped us, we were able to call in the shredders at a moments notice and they were able to clear the waste the same week rather than us being overflowing with paper for shredding which at best is unsightly and at worst presents a fire hazard.  I cannot imagine a company from Manchester wanting to pay an extra visit to Hull.

Thank you again to all the team at Simply Shredding for helping us to keep operating a successful and tidy office and business.

Kim Dalton ACII

Chartered Insurance Broker

Jelf Insurance Partnership"

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