secure document & data destructionFor Little Acorns and Large Oak Trees

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Woodland Trust

Simply Shredding support the Woodland Trust
Oak Trees Planted by Simply Shredding: 2028

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Simply Shredding

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Simply Shredding Recycles All Paper

Shredding Paper Recycled

If you send confidential paperwork to any Simply Shredding branch the shredded contents are always sent away to be recycled. Usually this is turned back into toilet tissue or paper towels, all helping top ensure that more raw materials are preserved.

Burning paper is not environmentally friendly and neither is putting paperwork into landfill. With identity theft on the increase year on year of late, secure shredding is the only real solution for most business's. If you are going through this process it will help your own companies environmental policy if the shredding company you use recycles all its waste product.

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