secure document & data destructionFor Little Acorns and Large Oak Trees

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Woodland Trust

Simply Shredding support the Woodland Trust
Oak Trees Planted by Simply Shredding: 2028

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Simply Shredding

We are here to help you with all of your shredding requirements.

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Shredding Van

Shredding Peterborough

Simply Shredding Ltd are pleased to introduce you to SImply Shredding Peterborough, your local document destruction company.

Office Shredding Peterborough

If you require a confidential destruction service for your office, company or business that is fully certified with a certificate of destruction then we will be able to help you. Regular collections can be set up or we can help you with that one off clear out of office files.

Home Shredding Peterborough

Ensuring that your home personal papers are disposed with securely is an increasing problem and one that is making the news headlines on a regular basis these days. Identity theft is most certainly on the increase.

IT Disposal Peterborough

As well as your confidential paperwork we can also dispose of old laptops, computers and IT equipment and destroy any hard drives


Simply Shredding Peterborough operates out of our offices in St Neots. For more information please email

Telephone Simply Shredding Peterborough

For friendly advice either send us an email or call us now on 01480 277700  and we will assist you with your shredding needs


01480 277700

Branch Details


Steve Newman

Contact Details

Email Shredding Peterborough


Peterborough, March, Spalding, Stamford, Market Deeping, Bourne

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