secure document & data destructionFor Little Acorns and Large Oak Trees

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Woodland Trust

Simply Shredding support the Woodland Trust
Oak Trees Planted by Simply Shredding: 2028

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Simply Shredding

We are here to help you with all of your shredding requirements.

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Confidential Destruction

Confidential Destruction

If you are looking for very competitive rates for confidential destruction then Simply Shredding will be able to assist you. With the largest network of independent shredding branches throughout the UK this allows in most instances for a very local s... read more

Confidential Shredding Collections Hull

Confidential Shredding Collections Hull

Simply shredding Hull offer a confidential destruction collection service across East Yorkshire and NE Lincs. Most days, with sufficient notice they are able to collect from in and around the main city of Hull. For areas further afield they will b... read more

GDPR Post Brexit

GDPR Post Brexit

What has been the impact of Brexit on GDPR ?                             In reality not that much has chang... read more

Hull NSPCC Toy Appeal for Christmas 2021

Nspcc 2021

This December we are supporting NSPCC with their 'Light Up Christmas For Children' campaign for the 2nd year running. Last year we were so pleased with the support from all our friends, families and clients so have decided to do it ag... read more

Providing Shredding Services In Care Homes

Providing Shredding Services In Care Homes

Simply Shredding Hull have been providing confidential destruction services to care homes in East Yorkshire and N Lincolnshire for many years. It goes without saying that the confidentiality of elderly and vulnerable patients records is extremely ... read more

Office Shredding Consoles or Lockable Wheelie Bins ?

Office Shredding Consoles or Lockable Wheelie Bins ?

For people who have small amounts of shredding or one off collections then using shredding bags is the most sensible option in ensuring that your confidential paperwork is removed from site in a secure manner. However, once a more regular service is ... read more