secure document & data destructionFor Little Acorns and Large Oak Trees

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Woodland Trust

Simply Shredding support the Woodland Trust
Oak Trees Planted by Simply Shredding: 2028

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Simply Shredding

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Shredding Warrington

Simply Shredding Warrington has now established a regular collection service within the Warrington and Widnes region. If you live in the Warrington area and have any documents that you require shredding then contact Darren or Mal at Simply Shredding ... read more

Shredding Video Shoot Completed

Well today was the final day of the Simply Shredding Video shoot and time to express thanks to all the team at Classlane Media for their patience and professionalism. Both Dave's were amazing and without their experience and understanding of what we ... read more

SImply Shredding Expands In The South Of England

In recent weeks Simply Shredding Croydon has agreed to become a shredding hub for any smaller shredding companies located in the London area , around the M25, in the South East or South West of England. Now that this ideal location has been establish... read more

Shredding Burton

Have you found forgotten piles of old unwanted paper work while packing for your up and coming move? No problem, here at Simply Shredding Burton we have the perfect solution for you. Follow the 3 easy steps below and we will take the hard work out... read more

Woodland Trust Celebrates 40 Years

Simply Shredding were delighted to receive the 40th Anniversary booklet in from The Woodland Trust along with thanks for supporting them of late. In the coming months Simply Shredding will be making further donations to ensure more oak trees are plan... read more

Document shredding services

If you require any secure shredding to be carried out then Simply Shredding have a wide variety of services that you can choose from. For the business user a one off clearance of old papers and files is easily sorted, or for a more regular collec... read more