secure document & data destructionFor Little Acorns and Large Oak Trees

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Prevent Identity Theft

It was reported this week that there has been an increase in over 50% of fraud cases where peoples accounts have been accessed illegally for private gain and with 38,428 cases reported in 2012 this is the highest recorded annual total to date. The secure destruction of documents will help cut down this fraud and the mentality of both home owners and business’s needs to change dramatically if the growth in this figure isn’t to be halted. People need to examine what they do with their home bills, cheque book stubs, credit card receipts and ensure they are all shredded. Simply shredding has a home shred service that can cope with this. For companies the problem can be two fold. Firstly there is the obligation to protect employee data and personal information and secondly customer information must be securely destroyed. For the latter this can be doubly important as the implications can be enormous.

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