secure document & data destructionFor Little Acorns and Large Oak Trees

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Oak Trees Planted by Simply Shredding: 2028

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Shred Consoles

There are several ways that you place your confidential waste before it is collected for secure destruction. This can range from sending it in archive storage boxes, shredding bags, lockable wheelie bins or into shred consoles. If office tidyness is of paramount importance then shredding consoles are the best option. A shred console is usually a desk high cabinet that has a lockable hinged door on it. above the door is a slot that allows your staff to slide all confidential waste into the cabinet. Held within the cabinet is a shredding bag that will catch the paperwork. This can then be removed when full, replaced with an empty bag and the contents sent away to be shredded. Simply Shredding offer a shred console service through all of its branches. Prices are dependant on the quantity of shredding consoles required and the frequency of collection.

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