secure document & data destructionFor Little Acorns and Large Oak Trees

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Woodland Trust

Simply Shredding support the Woodland Trust
Oak Trees Planted by Simply Shredding: 2028

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Simply Shredding

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Simply Shredding Brighton

Shredding Brighton

Simply Shredding Brighton is an independent shredding company, which are proud members of Simply Shredding Ltd. Located just on the out skirts of Brighton and Hove city we are perfectly located to serve all of the Brighton and Hove area’s Shredding needs, whether you wont to drop in your own shredding or arrange for a collection.

Here at Simply Shredding Brighton we are able to offer a shredding service to both business and home users alike.

Office Shredding

Our office shredding service is completely flexible, we can cater for all circumstances whether you are after a one off office clearance shredding service or would like to set up a regular collection. We are able to offer our customers Shredding bags, lockable wheelie bins and office consoles.

Contact us on 01273 516036

Home Shredding

With the continued rise in identity theft, it has become increasingly important to shred all your home documents correctly and securely. You can collect a pre-paid shredding bag or bring your shredding to us in your own bags and boxes for it to be shredded.

Contact us on 01273 516036


You can find Simply Shredding Brighton within the premises of Britannia Beckwith removals. If you only have a small amount of Shredding bags or boxes then feel free to turn up any time during office hours. For larger quantities you would need to ring and be booked in, we are also able to collect if needed.

With an already large existing client base within Sussex and with no minimum or maximum quantities Simply Shredding Brighton are able to handle all your shredding requirements no matter how small or large.


01273 516036

Branch Details



Contact Details

Simply Shredding Brighton

Europa House, Euro Business Park

New Road



Email Shredding Brighton


Worthing, Lewes, Hassocks, Seaford, Lancing, Shoreham by Sea, Newhaven

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