secure document & data destructionFor Little Acorns and Large Oak Trees

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Simply Shredding

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Shredding For Students

Student Shredding.jpg

Students are an easy target for identity theft and typically in the past they havent always been that responsible when it comes to securely shredding bank statement etc whilst studying away from home at University. Fortunately the problem has been... read more

BSEN 15713 Secure Destruction Of Confidential Material

BSEN 15713 Simply Shredding

BSEN 15713 Secure Destruction of Confidential Material,  is one of the recognised standards that relate to the shredding industry. This standard looks at the processes involved from the initial telephone into the company, collection service, ... read more

UK Shredding Depots

UK Shredding Depots

If you are looking to organise confidential shredding for your company Simply Shredding Ltd have over 40 branches located geographically throughout the country, with plans to expand still further. One off or regular collections can easily b... read more

Simply Shredding Recycles All Paper

Shredding Paper Recycled

If you send confidential paperwork to any Simply Shredding branch the shredded contents are always sent away to be recycled. Usually this is turned back into toilet tissue or paper towels, all helping top ensure that more raw materials are preserv... read more

Confidential Shredding Bags

Confidential Shredding Bags

Should you be planning a clear out of your home or your office then you may wish to collect some shredding bags in advance. These can be made available from your nearest Simply Shredding branch, or posted to you if there is not a branch close by. ... read more

Confidential Shredding

Confidential Shredding

Confidential destruction of company records is often in the news.........but what is confidential and what is not ? Quite clearly there are items of paperwork that have no interest to anyone outside of a business, but anything that relates to your... read more